bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California
bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California
bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California
bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California
Armageddon - So long, Paris!
bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California
This image shows the gargoyles lined up against the bluescreen at Dreamquest's stage, with the F/Xtap® installed on a VistaVision® camera
This is the test composite of a live explosion we shot at Hansen Dam in Los Angeles and Paris footage shot by Dreamquest for this effect.
bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California
The actual composite seen by the director and effects crew as the shot progressed.

The image above is a shot from a witness camera at the rear of the set. The bagged item at the lower center of the shot is the film camera mounted on the dolly. This frame shows the beginning of the dirt explosion generated on the set by the effects crew, an explosion that needed to be timed precisely to coincide with the explosion in the background footage reaching the gargoyles.

The item in the dust cloud slightly to the right of center is the gargoyle from the right side of the composite frame. The explosive placed inside it has just been detonated, and it is in the process of exploding.

Again, all images were available live on the set as the shoot progressed.
The above images are actual pictures from the F/Xtap® installed on a VistaVision® camera, digitized from a DPS Perception digital disk recorder.

Dreamquest Images' Hoyt Yeatman needed a way to see exactly how the studio bluescreen footage of the gargoyles being destroyed atop Notre Dame Cathedral lined up with their Paris composite of the meteorite's explosive effect on that city.
bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California