bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California
bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California
bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California
bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California
bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California Using BlueScreen's high resolution F/Xtap® package on set, Bob Kertesz showed effects supervisor Fred Raimondi and director Spike Lee exactly how the final composited images would line up, taking a large bite out of the time and expense Fred would have spent matching image size and position in post.
Showtime Boxing Presents...

Digital Domain takes on complex effect.

To publicize the Tyson-Holyfield rematch, Showtime hired director Spike Lee and Digital Domain to composite Johnny Mathis singing "Chances Are" into the ring footage from their first fight.
bluescreen LLC, Los Angeles California